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Rodriguez Bill Would Protect Former Residents Of Lanterman Developmental Center

For immediate release:

Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez has authored Assembly Bill (AB) 2359 to protect Lanterman Developmental Center patients as they transition out of the center and into the community.

“It is important that we do everything we can to ensure a seamless transition for the residents of Lanterman Center,” said Rodriguez. “As in any transition, the process involves risk.  These are patients with very specific health needs, which demand a high level of care.  Guaranteeing that this level of care is maintained is essential for their success and well-being.”

The Lanterman Developmental Center in Pomona is in the process of closing down and has moved hundreds of former residents into community care facilities.  According to the January 2014 Update on the Plan for Closure of Lanterman Developmental Center released by the Department of Developmental Services, as of December 1, 2013, 115 residents are being served at Lanterman, including 4 individuals currently residing in subacute facilities in the community. Another 248 have transitioned from Lanterman to community living arrangements. 

AB 2359 seeks to protect these residents by requiring that patients who reside in regional centers receive the same standard of care-as prescribed by state and federal law- that they would receive in a developmental center.

Lanterman Developmental Center is a state-licensed facility that provides 24-hour residential care and support services for persons with developmental disabilities. In January of 2010 the Department of Developmental Services announced their intention to close the Lanterman Center citing declining population and aging infrastructure. The department intends to complete the closure by the end of 2014.